Source code for ytree.frontends.consistent_trees_hdf5.arbor

ConsistentTreesHDF5Arbor class and member functions


# Copyright (c) ytree development team. All rights reserved.
# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
# The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.

import h5py
import numpy as np
import re

from yt.funcs import \

from ytree.data_structures.arbor import \
from ytree.frontends.consistent_trees.utilities import \
from ytree.frontends.consistent_trees_hdf5.fields import \
from import \
    ConsistentTreesHDF5DataFile, \
    ConsistentTreesHDF5RootFieldIO, \
from ytree.utilities.exceptions import \
from ytree.utilities.logger import \
    ytreeLogger as mylog

_access_names = {
    'tree':   {'group'     : 'TreeInfo',
               'host_id'   : 'TreeRootID',
               'offset'    : 'TreeHalosOffset',
               'size'      : 'TreeNhalos',
               'total'     : 'TotNtrees',
               'file_size' : 'Ntrees',
               'host_attr' : 'tree_root_id'},
    'forest': {'group'     : 'ForestInfo',
               'host_id'   : 'ForestID',
               'offset'    : 'ForestHalosOffset',
               'size'      : 'ForestNhalos',
               'total'     : 'TotNforests',
               'file_size' : 'Nforests',
               'host_attr' : 'forest_id'}

[docs]class ConsistentTreesHDF5Arbor(SegmentedArbor): """ Arbors loaded from consistent-trees data converted into HDF5. """ _parameter_file_is_data_file = True _field_info_class = ConsistentTreesHDF5FieldInfo _root_field_io_class = ConsistentTreesHDF5RootFieldIO _tree_field_io_class = ConsistentTreesHDF5TreeFieldIO _default_dtype = np.float32 _node_io_attrs = ('_fi', '_si', '_ei')
[docs] def __init__(self, filename, access='tree'): if access not in _access_names: raise ValueError( f"Invalid access value: {access}. Valid options are: {_access_names}.") self.access = access self._node_io_attrs += (_access_names[access]['host_attr'],) super().__init__(filename)
def _node_io_loop_finish(self, data_file): data_file._field_cache.reset() data_file.close() @property def _virtual_dataset(self): return"\_\d+\.h5$", self.parameter_filename) is None def _get_data_files(self): aname = _access_names[self.access]['file_size'] if self._virtual_dataset: with h5py.File(self.filename, mode='r') as f: self.data_files = \ [ConsistentTreesHDF5DataFile(self.filename, lname) for lname in f] self._file_count = \ np.array([f[lname].attrs[aname] for lname in f]) else: if not isinstance(self.filename, list): fns = [self.filename] else: fns = self.filename self.data_files = [ConsistentTreesHDF5DataFile(fn, None) for fn in fns] self._file_count = \ np.array([h5py.File(fn, mode='r').attrs[aname] for fn in fns]) self._size = sum(self._file_count) def _parse_parameter_file(self): f = h5py.File(self.parameter_filename, mode='r') # Is the file a collection of virtual data sets # pointing to multiple data files? virtual = self._virtual_dataset if virtual: fgroup = f.get('File0') if fgroup is None: raise ArborDataFileEmpty(self.filename) else: fgroup = f if 'halos' in fgroup['Forests']: # array of structs layout mylog.warning( "This dataset was written in array of structs format. " "Field access will be significantly slower than struct " "of arrays format.") self._aos = True ftypes = fgroup['Forests/halos'].dtype my_fi = dict((ftypes.names[i], {'dtype': ftypes[i]}) for i in range(len(ftypes))) else: # struct of arrays layout self._aos = False my_fi = dict((field, {'dtype': data.dtype}) for field, data in fgroup['Forests'].items()) if virtual: aname = _access_names[self.access]['total'] self._size = f.attrs[aname] header = fgroup.attrs['Consistent Trees_metadata'].astype(str) header = header.tolist() f.close() header_fi = parse_ctrees_header( self, header, ntrees_in_file=False) # Do some string manipulation to match the header with # altered names in the hdf5 file. new_fi = {} for field in header_fi: new_field = field # remove ?| characters new_field = re.sub(r'[?|]', '', new_field) # replace []/() characters with _ new_field = re.sub(r'[\[\]\/\(\)]', '_', new_field) # remove leading/trailing underscores new_field = new_field.strip('_') # replace double underscore with single underscore new_field = new_field.replace('__', '_') new_fi[new_field] = header_fi[field].copy() if 'column' in new_fi[new_field]: del new_fi[new_field]['column'] for field in my_fi: my_fi[field].update(new_fi.get(field, {})) self.field_list = list(my_fi.keys()) self.field_info.update(my_fi) def _plant_trees(self): if self.is_planted or self._size == 0: return my_access = _access_names[self.access] groupname = my_access['group'] hostname = my_access['host_id'] hostattr = my_access['host_attr'] offsetname = my_access['offset'] sizename = my_access['size'] c = 0 file_offsets = self._file_count.cumsum() - self._file_count pbar = get_pbar(f'Planting {self.access}s', self._size) for idf, data_file in enumerate(self.data_files): hostids = data_file.fh[groupname][hostname][()] offsets = data_file.fh[groupname][offsetname][()] tree_sizes = data_file.fh[groupname][sizename][()] data_file.close() istart = file_offsets[idf] iend = istart + offsets.size self._node_info[hostattr][istart:iend] = hostids self._node_info['_fi'][istart:iend] = idf self._node_info['_si'][istart:iend] = offsets self._node_info['_ei'][istart:iend] = offsets + tree_sizes self._node_info['_tree_size'][istart:iend] = tree_sizes c += offsets.size pbar.update(c) pbar.finish() self._node_info['uid'] = self['uid'] @classmethod def _is_valid(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Should be an hdf5 file with a few key attributes. """ fns = args[0] if not isinstance(fns, list): fns = [fns] for fn in fns: if not h5py.is_hdf5(fn): return False # single data file if"\_\d+\.h5$", fn): attrs = ['Nforests', 'Ntrees', 'Nhalos'] # virtual data set file else: if len(fns) > 1: raise RuntimeError( 'Virtual data set file cannot be given in a list.') attrs = ['Nfiles', 'TotNforests', 'TotNhalos', 'TotNtrees'] with h5py.File(fn, mode='r') as f: for attr in attrs: if attr not in f.attrs: return False return True