Source code for ytree.frontends.consistent_trees.fields

ConsistentTreesArbor fields


# Copyright (c) ytree development team. All rights reserved.
# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
# The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.

from ytree.data_structures.fields import \

m_unit = "Msun"
p_unit = "unitary"
r_unit = "kpc"
v_unit = "km/s"

[docs]class ConsistentTreesFieldInfo(FieldInfoContainer): alias_fields = ( ("uid", "id", None), ("desc_uid", "desc_id", None), ("halo_id", "Orig_halo_ID", None), ("scale_factor", "scale", None), ("mass", "Mvir", m_unit), ("virial_mass", "Mvir", m_unit), ("virial_radius", "Rvir", r_unit), ("scale_radius", "rs", r_unit), ("velocity_dispersion", "vrms", v_unit), ("position_x", "x", p_unit), ("position_y", "y", p_unit), ("position_z", "z", p_unit), ("velocity_x", "vx", v_unit), ("velocity_y", "vy", v_unit), ("velocity_z", "vz", v_unit), ("angular_momentum_x", "Jx", None), ("angular_momentum_y", "Jy", None), ("angular_momentum_z", "Jz", None), ("spin_parameter", "Spin", None), )