Plotting Merger Trees

Some relatively simple visualizations of merger trees can be made with the TreePlot command.

Additional Dependencies

Making merger tree plots with ytree requires the pydot and graphviz packages. pydot can be installed with pip and the graphviz website provides a number of installation options.

Making Tree Plots

The TreePlot command can be used to create a digraph depicting halos as filled circles with sizes proportional to their mass. The main progenitor line will be colored red.

>>> import ytree
>>> a = ytree.load("ahf_halos/snap_N64L16_000.parameter",
...                hubble_constant=0.7)
>>> p = ytree.TreePlot(a[0], dot_kwargs={'rankdir': 'LR', 'size': '"12,4"'})

Plot Modifications

Four TreePlot attributes can be set to modify the default plotting behavior. These are:

  • size_field: The field to determine the size of each circle. Default: ‘mass’.
  • size_log: Whether to scale circle sizes based on log of size field. Default: True.
  • min_mass: The minimum halo mass to be included in the plot. If given as a float, units are assumed to be Msun. Default: None.
  • min_mass_ratio: The minimum ratio between a halo’s mass and the mass of the main halo to be included in the plot. Default: None.
>>> import ytree
>>> a = ytree.load("ahf_halos/snap_N64L16_000.parameter",
...                hubble_constant=0.7)
>>> p = ytree.TreePlot(a[0], dot_kwargs={'rankdir': 'LR', 'size': '"12,4"'})
>>> p.min_mass_ratio = 0.01

Supported Output Formats

Plots can be saved to any format supported by graphviz by giving a filename with the appropriate extension. See here for a list of currently supported formats.