Source code for ytree.data_structures.arbor

Arbor class and member functions


# Copyright (c) ytree development team. All rights reserved.
# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
# The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.

from collections import \
import functools
import numpy as np
import os

from unyt import \
    unyt_array, \

from yt.funcs import \
    get_pbar, \
from unyt.dimensions import \
    dimensionless, \
from unyt.unit_registry import \
from yt.utilities.cosmology import \

from ytree.data_structures.detection import \
from ytree.data_structures.fields import \
    FieldContainer, \
from import \
    DefaultRootFieldIO, \
from ytree.data_structures.node_link import \
from ytree.data_structures.save_arbor import \
from ytree.data_structures.tree_node import \
from ytree.data_structures.tree_node_selector import \
from ytree.utilities.logger import \
    ytreeLogger, \

arbor_registry = {}

class RegisteredArbor(type):
    Add to the registry of known Arbor classes to cycle
    through in the load function.
    def __init__(cls, name, b, d):
        type.__init__(cls, name, b, d)
        arbor_type = name[:name.rfind("Arbor")]
        if arbor_type:
            arbor_registry[arbor_type] = cls

[docs]class Arbor(metaclass=RegisteredArbor): """ Base class for all Arbor classes. Loads a merger tree output file or a series of halo catalogs and create trees, stored in an array in :func:`~ytree.data_structures.arbor.Arbor.trees`. Arbors can be saved in a universal format with :func:`~ytree.data_structures.arbor.Arbor.save_arbor`. Also, provide some convenience functions for creating unyt_arrays and unyt_quantities and a cosmology calculator. """ _field_info_class = FieldInfoContainer _root_field_io_class = DefaultRootFieldIO _tree_field_io_class = TreeFieldIO _default_dtype = np.float64 ### attributes required for generating a TreeNode object ### for a given Arbor class. ### We store these in arrays and use them to generate TreeNodes ### when they are needed. ## attributes required for constructing TreeNodes _node_con_attrs = ('uid',) ## attributes we may not have, but would be nice if we did _node_too_attrs = ('_tree_size',) ## attributes specific to an Arbor class for facilitating io _node_io_attrs = () ### tree node attributes for all Arbor types. ### These facilitate walking the tree, getting fields, etc. ### We keep track of these for resetting TreeNodes and ### deciding when they are setup or grown. _reset_attrs = ("_tfi", "_pfi") _setup_attrs = ("_desc_uids", "_uids") _grow_attrs = ("_link_storage", "_link") omega_matter = None omega_lambda = None omega_radiation = 0
[docs] def __init__(self, filename): """ Initialize an Arbor given an input file. """ self._set_paths(filename) self._parse_parameter_file() self._set_units() self._setup_io() self._get_data_files() self._setup_fields() self._set_default_selector()
def _set_paths(self, filename): """ Set data paths. """ self.filename = filename if isinstance(filename, (list, tuple)): fn = filename[0] else: fn = filename self.parameter_filename = fn self.basename = os.path.basename(fn) dn = os.path.dirname(fn) = dn if dn else '.' def _parse_parameter_file(self): """ Read relevant parameters from parameter file or file header and detect fields. """ raise NotImplementedError def _set_units(self): """ Set "cm" units for explicitly comoving. Note, we are using comoving units all the time since we are dealing with data at multiple redshifts. """ for my_unit in ["m", "pc", "AU"]: new_unit = f"{my_unit}cm" self.unit_registry.add( new_unit, self.unit_registry.lut[my_unit][0], length, self.unit_registry.lut[my_unit][3]) setup = True for attr in ["hubble_constant", "omega_matter", "omega_lambda"]: if getattr(self, attr) is None: setup = False ytreeLogger.warning( f"{attr} missing from data. " "Arbor will have no cosmology calculator.") if setup: self.cosmology = Cosmology( hubble_constant=self.hubble_constant, omega_matter=self.omega_matter, omega_lambda=self.omega_lambda, omega_radiation=self.omega_radiation, unit_registry=self.unit_registry) def _setup_io(self): """ Create field io objects. """ self._node_io = self._tree_field_io_class( self, default_dtype=self._default_dtype) self._root_io = self._root_field_io_class( self, default_dtype=self._default_dtype) def _get_data_files(self): """ Get all files that hold field data and make them known to the i/o system. """ pass def _setup_fields(self): """ Setup field containers and definitions. """ self.field_data = FieldContainer(self) self.derived_field_list = [] self.analysis_field_list = [] self.field_info.setup_known_fields() self.field_info.setup_aliases() self.field_info.setup_derived_fields() self.field_info.setup_vector_fields() def _set_default_selector(self): """ Set the default tree node selector as maximum mass. """ self.set_selector("max_field_value", "mass") @property def is_planted(self): """ Determine if trees have been planted. """ return self._node_info_storage is not None def _plant_trees(self): """ Create arrays to construct root nodes. """ raise NotImplementedError _node_info_storage = None @property def _node_info(self): """ The dict of arrays for storing node information. """ if self._node_info_storage is not None: return self._node_info_storage self._initialize_node_info() return self._node_info_storage def _initialize_node_info(self): """ Initialize the node_info arrays. """ attrs = self._node_con_attrs + \ self._node_io_attrs self._node_info_storage = \ dict((attr, np.empty(self._size, dtype=np.int64)) for attr in attrs) # initialize the target of opportunity attributes self._node_info_storage.update( dict((attr, -np.ones(self._size, dtype=np.int64)) for attr in self._node_too_attrs)) def is_setup(self, tree_node): """ Return True if arrays of uids and descendent uids have been read in. Setup has also completed if tree is already grown. """ return self.is_grown(tree_node) or \ tree_node._uids is not None def _setup_tree(self, tree_node, **kwargs): """ Create arrays of uids and desc_uids and attach them to the root node. """ # skip if this is not a root or if already setup if self.is_setup(tree_node): return idtype = np.int64 fields, _ = \ self.field_info.resolve_field_dependencies(["uid", "desc_uid"]) halo_id_f, desc_id_f = fields dtypes = {halo_id_f: idtype, desc_id_f: idtype} # Note to self, we call _read_fields and not _get_fields to # avoid recursion issues. field_data = self._node_io._read_fields(tree_node, fields, dtypes=dtypes, **kwargs) tree_node._uids = field_data[halo_id_f] tree_node._desc_uids = field_data[desc_id_f] tree_node._tree_size = tree_node._uids.size tree_node.field_data["uid"] = tree_node._uids tree_node.field_data["desc_uid"] = tree_node._desc_uids def is_grown(self, tree_node): """ Return True if a tree has been fully assembled, i.e., the hierarchy of ancestor tree nodes has been built. """ return tree_node.root != -1 def _grow_tree(self, tree_node, **kwargs): """ Construct the hierarchy of ancestors and descendents for all nodes in the tree. """ # skip this if not a root or if already grown if self.is_grown(tree_node): return self._setup_tree(tree_node, **kwargs) size = tree_node.tree_size uids = tree_node.uids desc_uids = tree_node.desc_uids links = np.empty(size, dtype=object) # Make a dict mapping uids to index of storage array. # First, try to get indices out as the dict is constructed # since the dict will be smaller at first. uidmap = {} not_found = [] for i, (uid, desc_uid) in enumerate(zip(uids, desc_uids)): node = NodeLink(i) uidmap[uid] = i desc_index = uidmap.get(desc_uid) if desc_index is None: not_found.append((node, desc_uid)) else: desc = links[desc_index] desc.add_ancestor(node) links[i] = node # Make any additional links missed on the first pass. for node, desc_uid in not_found: if desc_uid == -1: continue desc = links[uidmap[desc_uid]] desc.add_ancestor(node) tree_node.root = tree_node tree_node._link = links[0] tree_node._link_storage = links _attr_map = None def _build_attr(self, attr, tree_node): """ Call the correct function for building a given attribute. """ if self._attr_map is None: self._attr_map = \ dict([(attr, self._setup_tree) for attr in self._setup_attrs] + [(attr, self._grow_tree) for attr in self._grow_attrs]) self._attr_map[attr](tree_node) def reset_node(self, tree_node): """ Reset all data structures for a single node. The goal is to clear as many data structures as possible without rendering the node object useless, if they are intended to be kept around. Calling reset_node on a non-root node should not make the non-root node useless. Calling reset_node on a root node will render any generated non-root nodes useless. """ tree_node.clear_fields() attrs = self._reset_attrs if tree_node.is_root: if self.is_grown(tree_node): attrs += self._grow_attrs tree_node.root = -1 if self.is_setup(tree_node): attrs += self._setup_attrs for attr in attrs: setattr(tree_node, attr, None) @property def ytds(self): raise NotImplementedError( "Only ytree data can be loaded with yt. " "Save data with save_arbor and then reload.") def _node_io_loop(self, func, *args, **kwargs): """ Call the provided function over a list of nodes. If possible, group nodes by common data files to speed things up. Parameters ---------- func : function Function to be called on an array of nodes. pbar : optional, string or yt.funcs.TqdmProgressBar A progress bar to be updated with each iteration. If a string, a progress bar will be created and the finish function will be called. If a progress bar is provided, the finish function will not be called. Default: None (no progress bar). root_nodes : optional, array of root TreeNodes Array of nodes over which the function will be called. If None, the list will be self[:] (i.e., all root_nodes). Default: None. Returns ------- rvals : list return values from calling func on each node. These will have the same order as the original node list. """ self._plant_trees() pbar = kwargs.pop("pbar", None) root_nodes = kwargs.pop("root_nodes", None) data_files, node_list, return_order = \ self._node_io_loop_prepare(root_nodes) nnodes = sum([nodes.size for nodes in node_list]) finish = True if pbar is None: pbar = fake_pbar("", nnodes) elif not isinstance(pbar, TqdmProgressBar): pbar = get_pbar(pbar, nnodes) else: finish = False rvals = [] c = 0 for data_file, nodes in zip(data_files, node_list): self._node_io_loop_start(data_file) # if we're doing all of them, just give the indices if root_nodes is None: my_nodes = nodes else: my_nodes = root_nodes[nodes] for node in self._yield_root_nodes(my_nodes): rval = func(node, *args, **kwargs) rvals.append(rval) c += 1 pbar.update(c) self._node_io_loop_finish(data_file) if finish: pbar.finish() if return_order is not None: rvals = [rvals[i] for i in return_order] return rvals def _node_io_loop_start(self, data_file): pass def _node_io_loop_finish(self, data_file): pass def _node_io_loop_prepare(self, nodes): """ This is called at the beginning of _node_io_loop. In different frontends, this can be used to group nodes by common data files. If nodes is None, we want all root nodes in the Arbor. Below is the default behavior, which does the bare minimum of returning: list of [None] : meaning all nodes come in a single group associated with no particular data file. list containing array of all provided nodes: meaning there is no specific grouping to be done None : meaning the nodes do not have to be reordered after being processed. See the implementation in individual frontends for more informative examples. Returns ------- data_files : list list of data files that will be used index_list : list of arrays indices of the provided array of nodes associated with each of the data files return_order : int array array of indices used to reorder the return values to the order of the provided nodes """ self._plant_trees() if nodes is None: my_size = self.size else: my_size = nodes.size indices = np.arange(my_size) return [None], [indices], None def __iter__(self): """ Iterate over all trees in the arbor. """ self._plant_trees() for node in self._yield_root_nodes(range(self.size)): yield node def __repr__(self): return self.basename def __getitem__(self, key): return self.query(key) def query(self, key): """ If given a string, return an array of field values for the roots of all trees. If given an integer, return a tree from the list of trees. """ if isinstance(key, str): if key in ("tree", "prog"): raise SyntaxError("Argument must be a field or integer.") self._root_io.get_fields(self, fields=[key]) return self.field_data[key] return self._generate_root_nodes(key) def _generate_root_nodes(self, key): """ Create root nodes given an index or slice from uid array. """ self._plant_trees() if isinstance(key, (int, np.integer)): return self._generate_root_node(key) elif isinstance(key, slice) or isinstance(key, np.ndarray): indices = np.arange(self.size)[key] return self._yield_root_nodes(indices) else: raise ValueError('Cannot generate nodes from argument: ', key) def _yield_root_nodes(self, indices): """ Root node generator. """ # If we've been given an array of TreeNodes, # just yield them back. if getattr(indices, 'dtype', None) == object: for index in indices: yield index return for index in indices: node = self._generate_root_node(index) yield node def _generate_root_node(self, index): """ Create a root node given its index in the array of uids. """ args = tuple(self._node_info[attr][index] for attr in self._node_con_attrs) my_node = TreeNode(*args, arbor=self, root=True) my_node._arbor_index = index for attr in self._node_io_attrs: setattr(my_node, attr, self._node_info[attr][index]) for attr in self._node_too_attrs: val = self._node_info[attr][index] if val != -1: setattr(my_node, attr, self._node_info[attr][index]) return my_node def _generate_tree_node(self, root_node, node_link): """ Create a non-root node in a tree. """ tree_id = node_link.tree_id if tree_id == 0: return root_node uid = root_node.uids[tree_id] node = TreeNode(uid, arbor=self, root=False) node.root = root_node node._link = node_link return node def _store_node_info(self, tree_node, attr): """ Store a TreeNode attribute an array for retrieval later. """ self._node_info[attr][tree_node._arbor_index] = \ getattr(tree_node, attr) _field_info = None @property def field_info(self): """ A dictionary containing information for each available field. """ if self._field_info is None and \ self._field_info_class is not None: self._field_info = self._field_info_class(self) return self._field_info _size = None @property def size(self): """ Return total number of trees. """ if self._size is None: self._plant_trees() return self._size def __len__(self): """ Return total number of trees. """ return self.size _unit_registry = None @property def unit_registry(self): """ Unit system registry. """ if self._unit_registry is None: self._unit_registry = UnitRegistry() return self._unit_registry @unit_registry.setter def unit_registry(self, value): self._unit_registry = value self._arr = None self._quan = None _hubble_constant = None @property def hubble_constant(self): """ Value of the Hubble parameter. """ return self._hubble_constant @hubble_constant.setter def hubble_constant(self, value): self._hubble_constant = value if value is None: return # reset the unit registry lut while preserving other changes self.unit_registry = UnitRegistry.from_json( self.unit_registry.to_json()) if 'h' in self.unit_registry: self.unit_registry.modify("h", self.hubble_constant) else: self.unit_registry.add( 'h', self.hubble_constant, dimensionless) _box_size = None @property def box_size(self): """ The simulation box size. """ return self._box_size @box_size.setter def box_size(self, value): self._box_size = value # set unitary as soon as we know the box size self.unit_registry.add( "unitary", float(self.box_size.in_base()), length)
[docs] def set_selector(self, selector, *args, **kwargs): r""" Sets the tree node selector to be used. This sets the manner in which halo progenitors are chosen from a list of ancestors. The most obvious example is to select the most massive ancestor. Parameters ---------- selector : string Name of the selector to be used. Any additional arguments and keywords to be provided to the selector function should follow. Examples -------- >>> import ytree >>> a = ytree.load("rockstar_halos/trees/tree_0_0_0.dat") >>> a.set_selector("max_field_value", "mass") """ self.selector = tree_node_selector_registry.find( selector, *args, **kwargs)
_arr = None @property def arr(self): """ Create a unyt_array using the Arbor's unit registry. """ if self._arr is not None: return self._arr self._arr = functools.partial(unyt_array, registry=self.unit_registry) return self._arr _quan = None @property def quan(self): """ Create a unyt_quantity using the Arbor's unit registry. """ if self._quan is not None: return self._quan self._quan = functools.partial(unyt_quantity, registry=self.unit_registry) return self._quan
[docs] def select_halos(self, criteria, trees=None, select_from=None, fields=None): """ Select halos from the arbor based on a set of criteria given as a string. Halos matching the criteria will be returned through a generator. Matches are returned as soon as they are found, allowing you to begin working with them before the search has completed. The progress bar will update to report the number of matches found as the search progresses. Parameters ---------- criteria : string A string that will eval to a Numpy-like selection operation performed on a TreeNode object called "tree". Example: 'tree["tree", "redshift"] > 1' trees : optional, list or array of TreeNodes A list or array of TreeNode objects in which to search. If none given, the search is performed over the full arbor. select_from : deprecated, do not use This keyword is no longer required and using it does nothing. fields : deprecated, do not use This keyword is no longer required and using it does nothing. Returns ------- halos : :class:`~ytree.data_structures.tree_node.TreeNode` generator A generator yielding all TreeNodes meeting the criteria. Examples -------- >>> import ytree >>> a = ytree.load("tree_0_0_0.dat") >>> for halo in a.select_halos('tree["tree", "redshift"] > 1'): ... print (halo["mass"]) >>> >>> halos = list(a.select_halos('tree["prog", "mass"].to("Msun") >= 1e10')) >>> print (len(halos)) """ if select_from is not None: import warnings from numpy import VisibleDeprecationWarning warnings.warn( "The \"select_from\" keyword is deprecated and no longer does anything.", VisibleDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) if fields is not None: import warnings from numpy import VisibleDeprecationWarning warnings.warn( "The \"fields\" keyword is deprecated and no longer does anything.", VisibleDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) tree = SelectionDetector(self) eval(criteria) if len(tree.selectors) > 1: raise ValueError( f"Selection criteria must only use one selector: \"{criteria}\".\n" f" Selection criteria uses {len(tree.selectors)} selectors: " f"{tree.selectors}.") selector = tree.selectors[0] if trees is None: trees = self found = 0 pbar = get_pbar(f"Selecting halos ({found} found)", trees.size) for i, tree in enumerate(trees): imatches = np.where(eval(criteria))[0] if imatches.size > 0: found += imatches.size pbar._pbar.set_description_str(f"Selecting halos (found {found})") pbar.update(i+1) for imatch in imatches: yield tree.get_node(selector, imatch) pbar.finish()
[docs] def add_analysis_field(self, name, units, dtype=None, default=0): r""" Add an empty field to be filled by analysis operations. Parameters ---------- name : string Field name. units : string Field units. dtype : optional, type Data type for field values. If None, the default data type of the arbor is used. Default: None. default: optional, numeric Default field value when field is initialized. Default: 0. Examples -------- >>> import ytree >>> a = ytree.load("tree_0_0_0.dat") >>> a.add_analysis_field("robots", "Msun * kpc") >>> # Set field for some halo. >>> my_tree = a[0] >>> my_tree["tree"][7]["robots"] = 1979.816 """ self.field_info.add_analysis_field( name, units, dtype=dtype, default=default)
[docs] def add_alias_field(self, alias, field, units=None, force_add=True): r""" Add a field as an alias to another field. Parameters ---------- alias : string Alias name. field : string The field to be aliased. units : optional, string Units in which the field will be returned. force_add : optional, bool If True, add field even if it already exists and warn the user and raise an exception if dependencies do not exist. If False, silently do nothing in both instances. Default: True. Examples -------- >>> import ytree >>> a = ytree.load("tree_0_0_0.dat") >>> # "Mvir" exists on disk >>> a.add_alias_field("mass", "Mvir", units="Msun") >>> print (a["mass"]) """ self.field_info.add_alias_field( alias, field, units=units, force_add=force_add)
[docs] def add_derived_field(self, name, function, units=None, dtype=None, description=None, vector_field=False, force_add=True): r""" Add a field that is a function of other fields. Parameters ---------- name : string Field name. function : callable The function to be called to generate the field. This function should take two arguments, the arbor and the data structure containing the dependent fields. See below for an example. units : optional, string The units in which the field will be returned. dtype : optional, type The data type of the field array. If none, use the default type set by Arbor._default_dtype. description : optional, string A short description of the field. vector_field: optional, bool If True, field is an xyz vector. Default: False. force_add : optional, bool If True, add field even if it already exists and warn the user and raise an exception if dependencies do not exist. If False, silently do nothing in both instances. Default: True. Examples -------- >>> import ytree >>> a = ytree.load("tree_0_0_0.dat") >>> def _redshift(field, data): ... return 1. / data["scale"] - 1 ... >>> a.add_derived_field("redshift", _redshift) >>> print (a["redshift"]) """ self.field_info.add_derived_field( name, function, units=units, dtype=dtype, description=description, vector_field=vector_field, force_add=force_add)
[docs] def add_vector_field(self, name): """ Add vector fields for a set of x,y,z component fields. This will add a general vector field that returns the combined x, y, z components as a single Nx3 array. A <field>_magnitude field with the quadrature sum of the components is also added. Parameters ---------- name : string The name of the field. Component x,y,z fields must exist. Examples -------- >>> import ytree >>> a = ytree.load("tree_0_0_0.dat") >>> for ax in 'xyz': >>> a.add_analysis_field(f"thing_{ax}") >>> fn = a.save_arbor() >>> a_new = ytree.load(fn) >>> a_new.add_vector_field("thing") >>> print (a_new["thing"]) >>> print (a_new["thing_magnitude"]) """ self.field_info.add_vector_field(name)
def get_yt_selection(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError( "This function is only implemented for ytree arbors." "Use save_arbor to save your data in the correct format.") def get_nodes_from_selection(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError( "This function is only implemented for ytree arbors." "Use save_arbor to save your data in the correct format.") @classmethod def _is_valid(cls, *args, **kwargs): """ Check if input file works with a specific Arbor class. This is used with :func:`~ytree.data_structures.arbor.load` function. """ return False
[docs] def save_arbor(self, **kwargs): r""" Save the arbor to a file. The saved arbor can be re-loaded as an arbor. Parameters ---------- filename : optional, string Output file keyword. If filename ends in ".h5", the main header file will be just that. If not, filename will be <filename>/<basename>.h5. Default: "arbor". fields : optional, list of strings The fields to be saved. If not given, all fields will be saved. trees : optional, list or array of TreeNodes If given, only save trees stemming from these nodes. If not provide, all trees will be saved. max_file_size : optional, float The maximum number of nodes saved to a single file. Smaller numbers will result in more files. Performance may change somewhat with different values. Default: 524288 (2^19). Returns ------- header_filename : string The filename of the saved arbor. Examples -------- >>> import ytree >>> a = ytree.load("rockstar_halos/trees/tree_0_0_0.dat") >>> fn = a.save_arbor() >>> # reload it >>> a2 = ytree.load(fn) """ fn = save_arbor(self, **kwargs) return fn
[docs]class SegmentedArbor(Arbor): """ Arbor subclass for multi-file datasets where an entire merger tree is contained within a file (i.e., no overlap). This permits the definition of a useful _node_io_loop_prepare function. """ # Data formats organized similar to below can use this class. # _fi - file index, i.e., which data file is it in # _si - start index, the array index where this tree starts _node_io_attrs = ('_fi', '_si') def _node_io_loop_start(self, data_file): def _node_io_loop_finish(self, data_file): data_file.close() def _node_io_loop_prepare(self, nodes): if nodes is None: nodes = np.arange(self.size) fi = self._node_info['_fi'] si = self._node_info['_si'] elif nodes.dtype == object: fi = np.array( [node._fi if node.is_root else node.root._fi for node in nodes]) si = np.array( [node._si if node.is_root else node.root._si for node in nodes]) else: # assume an array of indices fi = self._node_info['_fi'][nodes] si = self._node_info['_si'][nodes] # the order they will be processed io_order = np.lexsort((si, fi)) fi = fi[io_order] # array to return them to original order return_order = np.empty_like(io_order) return_order[io_order] = np.arange(io_order.size) ufi = np.unique(fi) data_files = [self.data_files[i] for i in ufi] index_list = [io_order[fi == i] for i in ufi] return data_files, index_list, return_order
[docs]class CatalogArbor(Arbor): """ Base class for Arbors created from a series of halo catalog files where the descendent ID for each halo has been pre-determined. Unlike formats where tree information is stored in single file, halos are scattered about multiple catalog files. This requires us to store the root TreeNode objects and their full assemblies. """ _prefix = None _data_file_class = None # does the dataset define unique ids? _has_uids = False # We will store root TreeNodes instead of generate them, # so we don't need to store anything here. _node_con_attrs = () # Don't reset _ancestors or descendents because we won't be able to # rebuild trees without calling _plant_trees again. _setup_attrs = ("_desc_uids", "_uids", "_nodes", "_link_storage") _grow_attrs = ()
[docs] def __init__(self, filename): super().__init__(filename) if not self._has_uids: if "uid" not in self.field_list: for field in "uid", "desc_uid": self.field_list.append(field) self.field_info[field] = {"units": "", "source": "arbor"}
def _get_data_files(self): raise NotImplementedError def _generate_root_node(self, index): """ Return a node self._trees. These cannot be generated easily, so we keep them. """ node = self._trees[index] if not hasattr(node, '_arbor_index'): node._arbor_index = index return node _trees = None @property def is_planted(self): """ Determine if trees have been planted. """ return self._trees is not None def _plant_trees(self): """ Construct all trees. Since nodes are spread out over multiple files, we will plant all trees and create all ancestor/descendent links. The links will be held by the nodes themselves and we will not store the nodes in an array until _setup_tree is called. """ if self.is_planted: return # this can be called once with the list, but fields are # not guaranteed to be returned in order. if self._has_uids: id_fields = ["uid", "desc_uid"] else: id_fields = ["halo_id", "desc_id"] fields = \ [self.field_info.resolve_field_dependencies([field])[0][0] for field in id_fields] halo_id_f, desc_id_f = fields dtypes = dict((field, np.int64) for field in fields) uid = 0 trees = [] nfiles = len(self.data_files) descs = lastids = None pbar = get_pbar("Planting trees", len(self.data_files)) for i, dfl in enumerate(self.data_files): if not isinstance(dfl, list): dfl = [dfl] batches = [] bsize = [] hids = [] ancs = defaultdict(list) for data_file in dfl: data = data_file._read_fields(fields, dtypes=dtypes) nhalos = len(data[halo_id_f]) batch = np.empty(nhalos, dtype=object) for it in range(nhalos): descid = data[desc_id_f][it] if self._has_uids: my_uid = data[halo_id_f][it] else: my_uid = uid root = i == 0 or descid == -1 # The data says a descendent exists, but it's not there. # This shouldn't happen, but it does sometimes. if not root and descid not in lastids: root = True descid = data[desc_id_f][it] = -1 tree_node = TreeNode(my_uid, arbor=self, root=root) tree_node._fi = it tree_node.data_file = data_file batch[it] = tree_node if root: trees.append(tree_node) else: ancs[descid].append(tree_node) uid += 1 data_file.trees = batch batches.append(batch) bsize.append(batch.size) hids.append(data[halo_id_f]) if i > 0: for descid, ancestors in ancs.items(): # this will not be fast descendent = descs[descid == lastids][0] descendent._ancestors = ancestors for ancestor in ancestors: ancestor._descendent = descendent if i < nfiles - 1: descs = np.empty(sum(bsize), dtype=object) lastids = np.empty(descs.size, dtype=np.int64) ib = 0 for batch, hid, bs in zip(batches, hids, bsize): descs[ib:ib+bs] = batch lastids[ib:ib+bs] = hid ib += bs pbar.update(i+1) pbar.finish() self._trees = np.array(trees) self._size = self._trees.size def _setup_tree(self, tree_node): """ Walk the tree and place all nodes into an array. This is required for field access. """ if self.is_setup(tree_node): return nodes = [] uids = [] desc_uids = [-1] # This is redundant, but enables functionality that uses # the link storage, like TreeNode.get_node. links = [] for i, node in enumerate(tree_node._tree_nodes): node._tree_id = i node.root = tree_node nodes.append(node) uids.append(node.uid) link = NodeLink(i) links.append(link) if i > 0: desc_uids.append(node.descendent.uid) desc_link = links[node.descendent.tree_id] desc_link.add_ancestor(link) tree_node._nodes = np.array(nodes) tree_node._uids = np.array(uids) tree_node._desc_uids = np.array(desc_uids) tree_node._tree_size = tree_node._uids.size tree_node._link_storage = np.array(links) # This should bypass any attempt to get this field in # the conventional way. if self.field_info["uid"].get("source") == "arbor": tree_node.field_data["uid"] = tree_node._uids tree_node.field_data["desc_uid"] = tree_node._desc_uids def _grow_tree(self, tree_node): """ Trees are grown when they are planted. """ pass