Example Applications

Below are some examples of things one might want to do with merger trees that demonstrate various ytree functions. If you have made something interesting, please consider contributing it.

Halo Age

One way to define the age of a halo is by calculating the time when it reached 50% of its current mass. In the example below, this time is calculated by linearly interpolating from the mass of the main progenitor as a function of time.

import numpy as np

def t50(tree):
    # main progenitor masses
    pmass = tree['prog', 'mass']

    mh = 0.5 * tree['mass']
    m50 = pmass <= mh

    if not m50.any():
        th = tree['time']
        ptime = tree['prog', 'time']
        # linearly interpolate
        i = np.where(m50)[0][0]
        slope = (ptime[i-1] - ptime[i]) / (pmass[i-1] - pmass[i])
        th = slope * (mh - pmass[i]) + ptime[i]

    return th

Now we’ll run it on the first tree in the data set.

>>> import ytree
>>> a = ytree.load('consistent_trees/tree_0_0_0.dat')
>>> my_tree = a[0]
>>> print (t50(my_tree).to('Gyr'))
7.2325572094782515 Gyr


Brought to you by John Wise, a halo’s significance is calculated by recursively summing over all ancestors the mass multiplied by the time between snapshots. When determining the main progenitor of a halo, the significance measure will select for the ancestor with the deeper history instead of just the higher mass. This can be helpful in cases of near 1:1 mergers.

Below, we define a function that calculates the significance for every halo in a single tree.

def get_significance(tree):
    if tree.descendent is None:
        dt = 0. * tree['time']
        dt = tree.descendent['time'] - tree['time']

    sig = tree['mass'] * dt
    if tree.ancestors is not None:
        for anc in tree.ancestors:
            sig += get_significance(anc)

    tree['significance'] = sig
    return sig

We now add a new analysis field to save the significance values for all trees. Then, we will save the arbor with the newly added significance field.

>>> import ytree
>>> a = ytree.load('consistent_trees/tree_0_0_0.dat')
>>> a.add_analysis_field('significance', 'Msun*Myr')
>>> my_trees = list(a[:])
>>> for tree in my_trees:
>>> a.save_arbor(filename='sig_tree', trees=my_trees)

Finally, we can load the new data set and use the significance field to select the main progenitors.

>>> import ytree
>>> a = ytree.load('sig_tree/sig_tree.h5')
>>> a.set_selector('max_field_value', 'significance')
>>> print (a[0]['prog'])
[TreeNode[12900] TreeNode[12539] TreeNode[12166] TreeNode[11796] ...
 TreeNode[105] TreeNode[62]]