Source code for ytree.arbor.tree_node

TreeNode class and member functions


# Copyright (c) ytree development team. All rights reserved.
# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
# The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.

import numpy as np
import weakref

from yt.extern.six import \

from ytree.arbor.fields import \

[docs]class TreeNode(object): """ Class for objects stored in Arbors. Each TreeNode represents a halo in a tree. A TreeNode knows its halo ID, the level in the tree, and its global ID in the Arbor that holds it. It also has a list of its ancestors. Fields can be queried for it, its progenitor list, and the tree beneath. """
[docs] def __init__(self, uid, arbor=None, root=False): """ Initialize a TreeNode with at least its halo catalog ID and its level in the tree. """ self.uid = uid self.arbor = weakref.proxy(arbor) if root: self.root = -1 self.treeid = 0 self.descendent = None self._field_data = FieldContainer(arbor) else: self.root = None
@property def is_root(self): return self.root in [-1, self] def find_root(self): """ Find the root node. """ my_node = self while not my_node.is_root: if my_node.descendent == -1: break my_node = my_node.descendent return my_node def clear_fields(self): """ If a root node, delete field data. If not root node, do nothing. """ if not self.is_root: return self._field_data.clear() def reset(self): """ Reset all data structures. """ self.clear_fields() attrs = ["_tfi", "_tn", "_pfi", "_pn"] if self.is_root: self.root = -1 attrs.extend(["_nodes", "_desc_uids", "_uids"]) else: self.root = None for attr in attrs: setattr(self, attr, None) def add_ancestor(self, ancestor): """ Add another TreeNode to the list of ancestors. Parameters ---------- ancestor : TreeNode The ancestor TreeNode. """ if self._ancestors is None: self._ancestors = [] self._ancestors.append(ancestor) _ancestors = None @property def ancestors(self): if self.root == -1: self.arbor._grow_tree(self) return self._ancestors _uids = None @property def uids(self): if not self.is_root: return None if self._uids is None: self.arbor._setup_tree(self) return self._uids _desc_uids = None @property def desc_uids(self): if not self.is_root: return None if self._desc_uids is None: self.arbor._setup_tree(self) return self._desc_uids _tree_size = None @property def tree_size(self): if not self.is_root: return self["tree"].size if self._tree_size is None: self.arbor._setup_tree(self) return self._tree_size _nodes = None @property def nodes(self): if not self.is_root: return None self.arbor._grow_tree(self) return self._nodes def __setitem__(self, key, value): if self.root == -1: root = self treeid = 0 else: root = self.root treeid = self.treeid self.arbor._node_io.get_fields(self, fields=[key], root_only=False) data = root._field_data[key] data[treeid] = value def __getitem__(self, key): return self.query(key) def query(self, key): """ Return field values for this TreeNode, progenitor list, or tree. Parameters ---------- key : string or tuple If a single string, it can be either a field to be queried or one of "tree" or "prog". If a field, then return the value of the field for this TreeNode. If "tree" or "prog", then return the list of TreeNodes in the tree or progenitor list. If a tuple, this can be either (string, string) or (string, int), where the first argument must be either "tree" or "prog". If second argument is a string, then return the field values for either the tree or the progenitor list. If second argument is an int, then return the nth TreeNode in the tree or progenitor list list. Examples -------- >>> # virial mass for this halo >>> print (my_tree["mvir"].to("Msun/h")) >>> # all TreeNodes in the progenitor list >>> print (my_tree["prog"]) >>> # all TreeNodes in the entire tree >>> print (my_tree["tree"]) >>> # virial masses for the progenitor list >>> print (my_tree["prog", "mvir"].to("Msun/h")) >>> # the 3rd TreeNode in the progenitor list >>> print (my_tree["prog", 2]) Returns ------- float, ndarray/YTArray, TreeNode """ arr_types = ("prog", "tree") if isinstance(key, tuple): if len(key) != 2: raise SyntaxError( "Must be either 1 or 2 arguments.") ftype, field = key if ftype not in arr_types: raise SyntaxError( "First argument must be one of %s." % str(arr_types)) if not isinstance(field, string_types): raise SyntaxError("Second argument must be a string.") self.arbor._node_io.get_fields(self, fields=[field], root_only=False) indices = getattr(self, "_%s_field_indices" % ftype) return self.root._field_data[field][indices] else: if not isinstance(key, string_types): raise SyntaxError("Single argument must be a string.") # return the progenitor list or tree nodes in a list if key in arr_types: self.arbor._setup_tree(self) return getattr(self, "_%s_nodes" % key) # return field value for this node self.arbor._node_io.get_fields(self, fields=[key], root_only=self.is_root) if self.is_root: data_object = self else: data_object = self.root return data_object._field_data[key][self.treeid] def __repr__(self): return "TreeNode[%d]" % self.uid _tfi = None @property def _tree_field_indices(self): """ Return the field array indices for all TreeNodes in the tree beneath, starting with this TreeNode. """ if self._tfi is None: self._set_tree_attrs() return self._tfi _tn = None @property def _tree_nodes(self): """ Return a list of all TreeNodes in the tree beneath, starting with this TreeNode. """ if self._tn is None: self._set_tree_attrs() return self._tn def _set_tree_attrs(self): """ Prepare the TreeNode list and field indices. """ self.arbor._grow_tree(self) tfi = [] tn = [] for my_node in self.twalk(): tfi.append(my_node.treeid) tn.append(my_node) self._tfi = np.array(tfi) self._tn = np.array(tn) _pfi = None @property def _prog_field_indices(self): """ Return the field array indices for all TreeNodes in the progenitor list, starting with this TreeNode. """ if self._pfi is None: self._set_prog_attrs() return self._pfi _pn = None @property def _prog_nodes(self): """ Return a list of all TreeNodes in the progenitor list, starting with this TreeNode. """ if self._pn is None: self._set_prog_attrs() return self._pn def _set_prog_attrs(self): """ Prepare the progenitor list list and field indices. """ self.arbor._grow_tree(self) lfi = [] ln = [] for my_node in self.pwalk(): lfi.append(my_node.treeid) ln.append(my_node) self._pfi = np.array(lfi) self._pn = np.array(ln) def twalk(self): r""" An iterator over all TreeNodes in the tree beneath, starting with this TreeNode. Examples -------- >>> for my_node in my_tree.twalk(): ... print (my_node) """ self.arbor._grow_tree(self) yield self if self.ancestors is None: return for ancestor in self.ancestors: for a_node in ancestor.twalk(): yield a_node def pwalk(self): r""" An iterator over all TreeNodes in the progenitor list, starting with this TreeNode. Examples -------- >>> for my_node in my_tree.pwalk(): ... print (my_node) """ self.arbor._grow_tree(self) my_node = self while my_node is not None: yield my_node if my_node.ancestors is None: my_node = None else: my_node = my_node.arbor.selector(my_node.ancestors)
[docs] def save_tree(self, filename=None, fields=None): r""" Save the tree to a file. The saved tree can be re-loaded as an arbor. Parameters ---------- filename : optional, string Output file keyword. Main header file will be named <filename>/<filename>.h5. Default: "tree_<uid>". fields : optional, list of strings The fields to be saved. If not given, all fields will be saved. Returns ------- filename : string The filename of the saved arbor. Examples -------- >>> import ytree >>> a = ytree.load("rockstar_halos/trees/tree_0_0_0.dat") >>> # save the first tree >>> fn = a[0].save_tree() >>> # reload it >>> a2 = ytree.load(fn) """ if filename is None: filename = "tree_%d" % self.uid return self.arbor.save_arbor( filename=filename, fields=fields, trees=[self])